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Executive coaching
Written by Grant Heinrich 24 Feb 2021

The right process

Our executive coaching assignments use a process we’ve honed after working with over 1500 executives and senior technical experts over the last 6 years.

If you’re seeking coaching for experts and technical specialists, it’s here.

1. Chemistry Coffee

We take the brief from the executive, their manager (or HR), and select three possible matches as coach for the executive. The executive chooses one of these with whom to have a chemistry coffee, a 30-minute exploration of issues and objectives.

The parties explore whether they strike up a good chemistry, and are likely to be successful working together. In 90 per cent of cases the first chemistry coffee is successful. Where not, a second introductory session can be organised.

Both of these are free. Introductory session after this are charged.

2. 360 review.

In the first coaching session, the coach and executive work on the executives’ stakeholder map, identifying critical relationships, and assessing their effectiveness.

This work determines who will be asked to be part of the executive’s 360. The 360 is conducted, and debriefed three weeks later by the coach and executive in their second coaching session.

A Personal Growth Plan is developed from the feedback, identifying strengths to be built upon, and areas for improvement to be addressed.

Check-in with the executive’s manager

The themes of the 360 are shared with the executive’s manager in a three-way session, with the coach in attendance.

The Personal Growth Plan is validated with the manager.

Success measures for the coaching assignment are finalised.

First group of coaching sessions (3 to 5)

The coach and executive have three more coaching sessions, each one typically addressing in detail one of the growth opportunities the executive has nominated to tackle.

Mid-point survey and check-in with manager

Between sessions 5 and 6, a further 3-way check-in will be conducted, for all parties to discuss progress, and ensure the assignment is on track.

At this time a mid-way survey will also be conducted with both the manager and the executive, to check on experience so far, and suggestions for improvements.

Second group of coaching sessions (6 to 8)

The coach and executive have three more coaching sessions. These will be focused on building capability and mindset.

Final check-out with manager

A 3-way meeting between the coach, executive, and manager assess the progress made sure the assignment, checking results against measures agreed in the first check-in.

The parties will also review and renew the Personal Growth Plan, so learning and growth continues after coaching ends.

A process that works

Oftentimes, executives leverage the feedback they receive from stakeholders to change the way they operate.

They’re sometimes attempting to change habits of a lifetime.

These changes are difficult, and this is where executive coaching for executives works best - providing the support, encouragement, and feedback they need.

Arrange a preliminary discussion using the form below (or call +61 2 9927 3000).

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